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LSAG reference   local script   region    subregion    archaeological context   object type   date range  
76.02 Attica CG Attica Athens ? 8th c. BC (?)
76.03a Attica CG Attica Hymettos Cup First quarter to end of 7th c. BC
76.09e Attica CG Attica Athens Ostrakon 7th c. - early 6th c.
88.Bii.S434 Eretria CG Euboia Eretria Pot late eighth century
95.16b.S435 Boiotia CG Boiotia Paralimni Grave stele c. 475 - 450
95.C.S435 Boiotia CG Boiotia Vase 550 - 525
108.01 Lokris, Ozolian CG Lokris Triteia Gravestone c. 525 ?
144.19 Sikyon PL Sikyon Thermon Trapeza (?) 6th c. ?
168.06 Argos PL Argos Statuette c. 590 - 570 ?
198.04 Lakonia PL Lakonia Sparta Oinochoe Early 6th c.
220.08 Elis PL Elis Olympia Plaque c. 500 - 475 ?
304.15 Amorgos AI Ionic Is. (Cen. & N. Aegean) Aigiale Rock c. 700 to 650 ?
323.03 Thera AI Doric Islands (S. Aegean) Thera cem. Stele 7th century?
323.06 Thera AI Doric Islands (S. Aegean) Thera cem. Gravestone early 6th century