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341.05 Samos EG Ionic Dodekapolis Samos Kouros c. 575 - 550
341.08 Samos EG Ionic Dodekapolis Samos Grave stele c. 550 - 540 ?
342.16 Samos EG Ionic Dodekapolis Athens Funerary monument c. 490 - 480
342.22 Miletos EG Ionic Dodekapolis Didyma Statue c. 600 - 575 ?
343.30 Miletos EG Ionic Dodekapolis Susa Weight c. 550 - 525 ?
343.34 Miletos EG Ionic Dodekapolis Miletos Base or altar c. 500 - 494
343.38 Miletos EG Ionic Dodekapolis Didyma Statue c. 500 - 494 ?
343.39 Miletos EG Ionic Dodekapolis Miletos Stele c. 500 - 480 ?
343.39a.S473 Myous EG Ionic Dodekapolis Myous Statue 550 - 525 ?
343.39b.S473 Myous EG Ionic Dodekapolis Melie Block c. 550 - 500
343.K.S473 Myous EG Ionic Dodekapolis Myous Kouros 550 - 525
344.55a Ephesos EG Ionic Dodekapolis Ephesos Block c. 500 - 475 ?