Typology is central to Anne Jeffery's The Local Scripts of Archaic Greece and to a great extent the work is a distillation of the study of numerous archaeological assemblages of letter-forms and their distribution. The Map Gallery aims to illustrate the geographical part of this element through a series of sixty-one maps. These show the distribution of the inscriptions catalogued in the book by "home location" (the places where local scripts developed) and by the actual archaeological distribution of finds of inscriptions in those particular scripts. The former are always presented before the latter, and may be distinguished by the style of map legend (maps of home locations have a white typeface on a dark grey background as opposed to black typeface on a light grey background). The gallery begins on this page with a set of overview maps of the total distribution, followed by overview maps of the seven major regions identified by Jeffery. Further pages give more detailed maps showing distributions by sub-regional groupings and individual local scripts.
The Centre for the Study of Ancient Documents is grateful to Tom Elliott and the Ancient World Mapping Center for their generous assistance in preparing the data set of geographic co-ordinates and for other technical advice.
Browse the overview maps on this page, or select a region from the links below.
The Seven Major Regions: total distribution

The Seven Major Regions: the Aegean

Central Greece

Follow this link for detailed maps of the local scripts of Central Greece

Follow this link for detailed maps of the local scripts of the Peloponnese
Northwestern Greece

Follow this link for detailed maps of the local scripts of Northwestern Greece
Western Colonies

Follow this link for detailed maps of the local scripts of the Western Colonies
Aegean Islands

Follow this link for detailed maps of the local scripts of the Aegean Islands
Eastern Greeks

Follow this link for detailed maps of the local scripts of the Eastern Greeks
Northern Colonial Area

Follow this link for detailed maps of the local scripts of the Northern Colonial area