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94.02 Boiotia CG Boiotia Thebes Lebes c. 700 - 675 ?
94.09 Boiotia CG Boiotia Delphi Lebes c. 550 ?
95.11 Boiotia CG Boiotia Olympia Armour c. 550 - 525 ?
95.16b.S435 Boiotia CG Boiotia Paralimni Grave stele c. 475 - 450
95.22 Boiotia CG Boiotia Eretria Oinochoe mid 6th century ?
95.A.S435 Boiotia CG Boiotia Ptoion Base c. 550
315.01a Crete AI Doric Islands (S. Aegean) Dreros Wall middle / 2nd half 7th century
315.01c Crete AI Doric Islands (S. Aegean) Dreros Wall middle / 2nd half 7th century
315.01e Crete AI Doric Islands (S. Aegean) Dreros Wall middle / 2nd half 7th century
315.01f Crete AI Doric Islands (S. Aegean) Dreros Wall middle / 2nd half 7th century
343.43a Chios EG Ionic Dodekapolis Emporio Sherd 600 - 550 ?
345.S.S474 Ionia EG Ionic Dodekapolis Gravisca Vase 575 - 500
357.A.S475 Rhodes EG Doric Hexapolis & Neighbours Ialysos Hydria c. 540