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showing result numbers: 1—15 of 15
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LSAG reference   local script   region    subregion    archaeological context   object type   date range  
77.26 Attica CG Attica Athens Fragment c. 550 - 540 ?
150.02 Phleious PL Phleious, Kleonai (with Nemea), Tiryns Phleious Fragment c. 600 - 550 ?
171.51 Argos PL Argos Fragment ? second quarter of 5th c.
201.41 Lakonia PL Lakonia Sparta Fragment 6th c. second half?
201.42 Lakonia PL Lakonia Mistra Fragment 6th c. second half ?
201.44 Lakonia PL Lakonia Sparta Fragment c. 500 ?
201.47 Lakonia PL Lakonia Sparta Fragment c. 500 ?
324.28 Sikinos AI Doric Islands (S. Aegean) Sikinos Is Fragment late 6th century?
342.28 Miletos EG Ionic Dodekapolis Naukratis Fragment from c. 575 onwards
343.36 Miletos EG Ionic Dodekapolis Didyma Fragment c.. 500 ?
343.37 Miletos EG Ionic Dodekapolis Miletos Fragment c. 520 - 494 ?
343.I.S473 Miletos EG Ionic Dodekapolis Didyma Fragment 525 - 500
344.52 Erythrai EG Ionic Dodekapolis Chios Fragment c. 465 ?
356.11 Rhodes EG Doric Hexapolis & Neighbours Kameiros Fragment c. 550 ?
357.37 Knidos EG Doric Hexapolis & Neighbours Knidos Fragment 6th - 5th c. ?