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247.07 Rhegion WC Euboic Colonies, Sicily (Chalkidic) Rhegion Coin c. 510 onwards
247.08 Rhegion WC Euboic Colonies, Sicily (Chalkidic) Olympia Base c. 467 - 450 ?
247.09 Rhegion WC Euboic Colonies, Sicily (Chalkidic) Olympia Block c. 467-450 ?
247.10 Rhegion WC Euboic Colonies, Sicily (Chalkidic) Olympia Block c. 467 - 450 ?
248.11 Rhegion WC Euboic Colonies, Sicily (Chalkidic) Rhegion Lebes (?) c. 475 - 450 ?
248.12 Rhegion WC Euboic Colonies, Sicily (Chalkidic) Rhegion Pellet c. 475 - 450 ?
248.13 Rhegion WC Euboic Colonies, Sicily (Chalkidic) Rhegion Pellet c. 475 - 450 ?
273.14 Rhegion WC Euboic Colonies, Sicily (Chalkidic) Rhegion Pellet c. 475 - 450 ?
248.15 Rhegion WC Euboic Colonies, Sicily (Chalkidic) Delphi Base c. 450 - 440 ?
248.16 Rhegion WC Euboic Colonies, Sicily (Chalkidic) Olympia Base c. 450 - 440 ?
248.D.S455 Rhegion WC Euboic Colonies, Sicily (Chalkidic) Rhegion Vase c. 550
248.E.S455 Rhegion WC Euboic Colonies, Sicily (Chalkidic) Olympia Armour 495 - 490
248.F.S455 Rhegion WC Euboic Colonies, Sicily (Chalkidic) Olympia Armour c. 475
248.G.S455 Rhegion WC Euboic Colonies, Sicily (Chalkidic) Paterno Kerykeion c. 450