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95.17 Boiotia CG Boiotia Delphi Base c. 475 - 450 ?
98.01 Thessaly CG Thessaly Korope Stele c. 550 ?
99.02 Thessaly CG Thessaly Orminion Stele c. 550 ?
99.03a.S436 Thessaly CG Thessaly Thebes Stele 500 - 450 ?
99.03b.S436 Thessaly CG Thessaly Skotoussa Base 500 - 475
103.01a.S437 Phokis CG Phokis Bobbin 7th c. ?
143.03 Sikyon PL Sikyon Olympia Plaque c. 600 -550 ?
230.C.S452 Epeiros NW Akarnania & Epeiros Gornje Gadimlje Vase Fourth century ?
315.08 Crete AI Doric Islands (S. Aegean) Gortyn Block c. 450 to 400?
323.08 Thera AI Doric Islands (S. Aegean) Thera cem. Funerary monument early 6th century
471.02a.S471 Samos EG Ionic Dodekapolis Samian Heraion Cauldron before 560
230.16 (38) Epeiros NW Akarnania & Epeiros Dodona Plaque c. 450-425?