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LSAG reference   local script   region    subregion    archaeological context   object type   date range  
99.13 Thessaly CG Thessaly Chyretiai Funerary monument c. 450 - 425 ?
169.30 Argos PL Argos Athens Gravestone c. 458-457
182.12 Epidauros PL Eastern Argolid Ligurio Base c. 500 - 475 ?
199.11 Lakonia PL Lakonia Delphi Lebes 600 - 550 ?
199.14 Lakonia PL Lakonia Kosmas Disk c. 600 - 550 ?
206.08 Messenia PL Messenia Delphi Base c. 500 - 450 ?
224.03 Patras PL Achaia Patras Pillar c. 450 ?
229.11 Akarnania NW Akarnania & Epeiros Stratos Plaque c. 425 - 400 ?