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LSAG reference   local script   region    subregion    archaeological context   object type   date range  
77.21 Attica CG Attica Athens Plaque c. 550 ?
77.25 Attica CG Attica Athens Capital c. 550 ?
78.41 Attica CG Attica Attica Grave stele c. 510
131.12 Corinth PL Corinth Perachora Kerbstone c. 625 - 575 ?
143.09 Sikyon PL Sikyon Sikyon Base c. 500 - 480 ?
168.07 Argos PL Argos Argos Stele c. 575 - 550 ?
168.09 Argos PL Argos Argive Heraion Plaque c. 575 - 550 ?
304.17 Amorgos AI Ionic Is. (Cen. & N. Aegean) Arkesine Stele c. 550 ?
305.31 Paros AI Ionic Is. (Cen. & N. Aegean) Delos Base c. 530 to 500
323.02 Thera AI Doric Islands (S. Aegean) Thera Amphora c.700-650?
323.15 Thera AI Doric Islands (S. Aegean) Thera cem. Gravestone c. 480-450?