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LSAG reference   local script   region    subregion    archaeological context   object type   date range  
76.06b Attica CG Attica Athens Krater c. 625-600 BC
77.17 Attica CG Attica Athens Base c. 570 - 560
77.20 Attica CG Attica Attica Funerary monument c. 560 - 550
77.21 Attica CG Attica Athens Plaque c. 550 ?
78.44 Attica CG Attica Athens Altar (?) c. 500 - 480
103.01a.S437 Phokis CG Phokis Bobbin 7th c. ?
200.40 Lakonia PL Lakonia Tyros Misc. minor bronzes 6th c.
201.45 Lakonia PL Lakonia Geronthrai Stele c. 500 ?
227.04 Aitolia NW Aitolia Kalydon Architectural element c. 600 - 575 ?
227.05 Aitolia NW Aitolia Kalydon Boundary marker c. 550 - 500 ?
308.70 Thasos AI Ionic Is. (Cen. & N. Aegean) Thasos Relief c. 475 to 465 ?