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LSAG reference   local script   region    subregion    archaeological context   object type   date range  
239.01b.S453 Pithekoussai WC Euboic Colonies, Italy (Chalkidic-Eretrian) Pithekoussai Kotyle c. 700
239.B.S453 Pithekoussai WC Euboic Colonies, Italy (Chalkidic-Eretrian) Pithekoussai Kotyle c. 720 - 710 ?
306.52ai.S466 Andros AI Ionic Is. (Cen. & N. Aegean) Zagora Kotyle 750 to 720
α β γ δ ε Digamma ζ α η Heta θ ι κ λ μ ν ξ ο π M Koppa ρ σ τ υ φ χ ψ ω Sampi punct.
324.18bc.S470 Tocra AI Doric Islands (S. Aegean) Tocra Kotyle c. 550 to 500?