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87.01 Chalkis CG Euboia Chalkis Coin c. 511 onwards
88.26 Euboia, Southern CG Euboia Styra Strip c. 475 ?
95.13 Boiotia CG Boiotia Ptoion Column c. 525 - 500 ?
95.18 Boiotia CG Boiotia Thespiai Kantharos c. 450 - 430
104.15 Phokis CG Phokis Delphi Column c. 479
104.17 Phokis CG Phokis Delphi Wall c. 470 - 450 ?
108.02 Lokris, Ozolian CG Lokris Naupaktos Plaque c. 525 - 500 ?
108.03 Lokris, Ozolian CG Lokris Galaxidi Plaque c. 500 - 475 ?
108.04a Lokris, Ozolian CG Lokris Galaxidi Plaque c. 475 - 450 ?
108.14 Lokris, Opountian CG Lokris Atalanti Gravestone c. 500 - 475 ?
168.15 Argos PL Argos Argive Heraion Capital c. 525 - 500 ?
201.45 Lakonia PL Lakonia Geronthrai Stele c. 500 ?
220.08 Elis PL Elis Olympia Plaque c. 500 - 475 ?
220.09 Elis PL Elis Olympia Plaque c. 475 ?
220.15 Elis PL Elis Olympia Plaque c. 475 - 450 ?
227.07 Aitolia NW Aitolia Thermon Plaque c. 500 ?
230.C.S452 Epeiros NW Akarnania & Epeiros Gornje Gadimlje Vase Fourth century ?
341.06a.S471 Samos EG Ionic Dodekapolis Samian Heraion Statue 575 - 550 ?