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description: Bronze plaque from the Heraion, bearing part of a law
catalogue number: 408
LSAG reference: 168.09
date: c. 575 - 550 ?
object type: Plaque
region: PL
sub-region: Argos
archaeological context: Argive Heraion
Rogers, AJA vol. 5 (1901) pp. 19 ff
DeCou, AH vol. 2 pp. 273 f,333 f no. 1826
IG vol. iv no. 506
SEG vol. 11 no. 302

    archival material:
    local script: Argos
inscription script analysis:
writing starting point: top right  writing orientation:horizontal
writing direction:boustrophedon  number of characters:100 comments:
Punctuation sign used.

Letter forms found in this inscription are listed below. Click on a glyph to browse other inscriptions in which it also appears.
α β γ δ ε Digamma ζ α η Heta θ ι κ λ μ ν ξ ο π M Koppa ρ σ τ υ φ χ ψ ω Sampi punct.


[αι τιστις τα γ]ραθματα ⋮ ταδεν ⋮ h<ε̅> αγνο[ι, ⋮ hε̅ αφανε|ας ποιεοι, ⋮] hε̅ συνχεοι, ⋮ τας αρας ⋮ τας [hε̅ρας c. 7 ⋮ και τρε̅το̅ εκ] γας ⋮ τας Αργειας, ⋮ τα δε παμα̣[τα ⋮ δαμοσ|ια εστο̅. ⋮ αι] κα [θ]ανατον ⋮ hε̅ αλλο τι καϙον ⋮ hε̅ [c. 10 | c. 9 hε̅ ε]πιτεχνοιτο ⋮ ε̅ ϝοι ϝισζειε ⋮ το [c. 8] c. 7 τ]ος ⋮ προγρο[φ]ος ⋮ εξπριιας̣[θο̅ν c. 8| c. 7 α?]ι δε με̅ δαμιιο[ρ]γοι τις ⋮ hο̅ι σ[- - - | - - -]ς Αργειας ⋮ και hο̅ι ϝοι επ̣[c. 15 | c. 15 εστ]ο̅. ⋮ τοι hυλες ⋮ αποδομ[c. 8 | c. 8] γας Αργειας γα ⋮ κα<τ> τα κ[ειμενα? c. 9 | c. 11 νε̅ποι]νον ϝοι εστο̅ ⋮ ποι τας h[ε̅ρας].


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