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browsing: material = Metal (bronze)
item number: 197 of 266
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description: Bronze plaquee with dedication by Kleom(b)rotos to Athena for a victory in the Olympic Games, r. to l. from Francavilla Maritima
catalogue number: 824
LSAG reference: 259.01a.S456
date: late 6th century ?
object type: Plaque
region: WC
sub-region: Achaian Colonies
archaeological context: Francavilla Marittima
Pugliese Caratelli, ASMG n.a. vol. 6 (1965) pp. 17-21,209-14
EG vol. 1 pp. 110-11

    archival material:
    local script: Sybaris
inscription script analysis: not available

Δο · Κλεομροτος
ο Δεξιλαϝο· ανεθε̅κ'
Ολθνπιαι· νικασας
ισο(μ) μακος τε παχος τε
τἀθαναι, αϝεθλ[ο̅]ν
ευξαμενος· δεκαταν.


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