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browsing: material = Stone
item number: 263 of 812
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description: Similar dedication (to 182 8) by Aristomenes
catalogue number: 488
LSAG reference: 182.09
date: c. 460 - 450 ?
object type: Base
region: PL
sub-region: Eastern Argolid
archaeological context: Hermion
Loewy, E., IGB no. 51
IG vol. iv no. 684
Peek, AM vol. 59 (1934) pp. 45 ff
Orlandini, Mem. Acc. Linc. (1952) pp. 273 ff
Marcadé, J., Recueil des signatures des sculpteurs grecs vol. 1 no. 31
Jameson, Hesperia vol. 22 (1953) pp. 149 ff
SEG vol. 11 no. 379

    archival material:
    local script: Hermion
inscription script analysis:
writing starting point: top left  writing orientation:horizontal
writing direction:left >  number of characters:70

Letter forms found in this inscription are listed below. Click on a glyph to browse other inscriptions in which it also appears.
α β γ δ ε Digamma ζ α η Heta θ ι κ λ μ ν ξ ο π M Koppa ρ σ τ υ φ χ ψ ω Sampi punct.


Α̣ριστ̣[ο]μεν̣[ε̅ς αν]ε̣[θε̅κ]ε Αλεξια
ται Δαματρι τ̣α̣[ι] Χ̣θονιαι
Δο̅ροθεος εϝεργασατο Αργειος.


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