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browsing: material = Stone
item number: 455 of 812
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description: Base for a dedication at Delphi by Phil--, an Asklepiad, signed by Akron of Selinous
catalogue number: 953
LSAG reference: 277.44
date: c. 450 - 425 ?
object type: Base
region: WC
sub-region: Doric Colonies, Sicily
archaeological context: Delphi
Pomtow, Klio vol. 15 (1918) pp. 303 f
FD vol. 3.1 pp. 330 f no. 506
Marcadé, J., Recueil des signatures des sculpteurs grecs vol. 1 no. 2
Delphi Museum no. 3522

    archival material:
    local script: Selinous
inscription script analysis: not available

Φι̣[c. 11]ος
ανεθηκε [Σε]λ̣ι̣νοντιος
Ακρων Πρατωνος
εποιε : Σελιν[οντιος].


not available