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Sigeion (attrib. to)
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description: Attic graffito on a MC aryballos from the Troad
catalogue number: 1586
LSAG reference: 373.75
date: c. 600 - 575 ?
object type: Aryballos
region: NC
sub-region: Euxine
archaeological context: the Troad
Roehl, H., IGA pp. 2
Roehl, H., Imagines Inscriptionum Graecarum antiquissimarum edition 3 pp. 72 no. 16
SEG vol. 30 no. 1038

    archival material:
not available
    local script: Sigeion (attrib. to)
inscription script analysis: not available

τε̄νδι σοι Θοδε̄μος διδο̄σι ⋮.


not available