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description: Bronze disk bearing an oracular text, probably from Kyme
catalogue number: 765
LSAG reference: 240.05
date: early 6th c. ?
object type: Disk
region: WC
sub-region: Euboic Colonies, Italy (Chalkidic-Eretrian)
archaeological context: Kyme
Maiuri, Ausonia vol. 6 (1911) pp. 1 ff
Ribezzo, RIGI vol. 3 (1920) pp. 71 ff
DGE no. 789
Guarducci, Bull. Arch. di Roma vol. 71 (1946-8) pp. 129 ff

    archival material:
    local script: Kyme
inscription script analysis: not available

hε̅ρε̅ ουκ εαι{ι} επιμαντευεσθαι.
"Hera does not allow further prophesy" (LSAG p238).


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