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browsing: region = WC
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description: Stamnos with a painted abecedarium, from a grave near Metapontion
catalogue number: 854
LSAG reference: 261.19
date: c. 475 - 450 ?
object type: Stamnos
region: WC
sub-region: Achaian Colonies
archaeological context: Metapontion
Fiorelli, NS (1885) pp. 607 f
Roberts, E.S., An Introduction to Greek Epigraphy vol. 1 no. 306
IG vol. xiv no. 2420
Roehl, H., Imagines Inscriptionum Graecarum antiquissimarum edition 3 pp. 120 no. 9
Whatmough, Prae-Italic Dialects of Italy vol. 2 pp. 531 no. 4

    archival material:
    local script: Metapontion
inscription script analysis: not available

α β γ δ ε ϝ ζ h θ ι κ λ (handle)
μ ν ο π ϙ ρ Μ τ υ φ χ ξ ψ̣ (?; handle)


not available