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browsing: writing starting point = single line
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description: Bronze statuette of a soldier, dedicated by Charillos to Apollo Maleatas
catalogue number: 549
LSAG reference: 200.37
date: c. 525 ?
object type: Statuette
region: PL
sub-region: Lakonia
archaeological context: Apollo Maleatas
IG vol. v.1 no. 927
Lamb, Gk. and Rom. Bronzes pp. 91
Langlotz, E., Frühgriechische Bildhauerschulen no. 89
Karo, Greek Personality in Archaic Sculpture pp. 154,313 no. 99
NM no. 7598

    archival material:
    local script: Lakonia
inscription script analysis:
writing starting point: single line  writing orientation:neutral
writing direction:< right  number of characters:24

Letter forms found in this inscription are listed below. Click on a glyph to browse other inscriptions in which it also appears.
α β γ δ ε Digamma ζ α η Heta θ ι κ λ μ ν ξ ο π M Koppa ρ σ τ υ φ χ ψ ω Sampi punct.



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