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item number: 448 of 798
Lokroi Epizephyrioi
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description: Parts of a trophy dedicated at Olympia by Hipponion, Medma, and Lokroi
catalogue number: 1013
LSAG reference: 286.02
date: c. 525 - 500 ?
object type: Armour
region: WC
sub-region: Lokrian Colonies
archaeological context: Olympia
Kunze and Schleif, Jdl, Olympiabericht vol. 56 (1941) pp. 77 ff
SEG vol. 11 no. 1211

    archival material:
    local script: Lokroi Epizephyrioi
inscription script analysis: not available

τοι Ϝειπο̅νιες̣ α̣ν̣ε̣θ̣[ε̅καν απο]
το̅ν Ϙροτο̅νια[ταν]
και Μεδμαιοι και Λ[οϙροι].


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