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description: Fragments of opistographic bronze plaques from Monte San Mauro, containing parts of a legal text on homicide (?)
catalogue number: 790
LSAG reference: 247.02
date: c. 525 ?
object type: Plaque
region: WC
sub-region: Euboic Colonies, Sicily (Chalkidic)
archaeological context: Monte San Mauro
Orsi and Comparetti, MA vol. 20 (1910) pp. 739 ff, 830 ff
Arangio-Ruiz, V., Olivieri, A, Inscriptiones Graecae Siciliae et infimae Italiae pp. 171 ff
SEG vol. 4 no. 64

    archival material:
    local script: Leontinoi
inscription script analysis: not available

"All that can be made out of the fragments as they stand are sums of money (?) which may be fines (τετραϙο[σι- - -], δυϝο̅ ταλαν̣[τα - - - hι?ερα εναι, τρια τα[λαντα]), the beginnings of clauses ( ιαν δε-, hοστις α[ν]-), probably the names of two deities ([το Απολο̅]νος : και̣ τε̅ς Αθε̅ν̣[αιε̅ς]?), and parts of various words evidently with the root φον- ..."


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