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Troas, Mysia
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description: Grave-inscription on a column at Assos
catalogue number: 1467
LSAG reference: 362.10
date: Third quarter of 6th c. ?
object type: Column
region: EG
sub-region: Aiolic Area
archaeological context: Assos
Clarke, AJA vol. 2 (1886) pp. 267 f
Roberts, E.S., An Introduction to Greek Epigraphy vol. 1 no. 166
Mendel, Cat. Sculpt. Constantinople vol. 2 (1914) pp. 24 f
Inschr. von Assos no. 1

    archival material:
    local script: Troas, Mysia
inscription script analysis: not available

LSAG p415
Αριστανδρει κ[- - -]
[- - -]κιος.
LSAG p360
Αριστανδρει κ[αι? - - -]ικος.


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