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browsing: order of appearance in Local Scripts of Ancient Greece
item number: 73 of 1640
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description: Grave stele of Autokleides, written right to left and upwards
catalogue number: 73
LSAG reference: 78.D.S431
date: c. 540
object type: Grave stele
region: CG
sub-region: Attica
archaeological context: Nikaia
Horos vol. 4 (1985) no. 31-3
CEG vol. 2 no. 470
EM no. 13474

    archival material:
not available
    local script: Attica
inscription script analysis: not available
Αυτοκλειδο το|δε σε̅μα νεο π|ροσορο̅ν αν|ιο̅μαι
και θα|νατο̅ι ταυ̣[...]|αν̣[- - -].


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