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browsing: date range = 500-400
item number: 385 of 419
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description: Graffito under foot of Attic skyphos
catalogue number: 1560
LSAG reference: 372.O.S479
date: 450 - 425 ?
object type: Skyphos
region: NC
sub-region: Euxine
archaeological context: Olbia
Vinogradov and Rusjaeva, Issled. po anticnoy arch. Sev. Pric. (2) pp. 24 ff

    archival material:
not available
    local script: Olbia
inscription script analysis: not available

Απολλ Δελφινι Ιατροι Θαργηλι Λυκει Ανδοκιδος Ταυρεων Θαρ{ο}γηλιων Καλαμαιων Πανημος Μεταγειτνιων Βοηδρομ Κιανεψιων Απατουρι Ποσειδι Ληνεων Ανθεστηριων Αρτεμισιων.


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