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description: Stele dedicated to Athena Alea by an athlete, Tegea
catalogue number: 612
LSAG reference: 215.05
date: c. 525 - 500 ?
object type: Stele
region: PL
sub-region: Arkadia
archaeological context: Tegea
Rhomaios, BCH vol. 36 (1912) pp. 353 ff
IG vol. v.2 no. 75
DGE no. 650
Friedlaender, P., Hoffleit, H., Epigrammata no. 155
SEG vol. 11 no. 1065
SEG vol. 30 no. 419
Tegea Museum no. 1310

    archival material:
    local script: Arkadia
inscription script analysis:
writing starting point: top left  writing orientation:vertical
writing direction:Schlangenschrift (false boustr.)  number of characters:29 comments:
Victor's dedication: a Lakonian offering. 13 of 29 characters unclear.

Letter forms found in this inscription are listed below. Click on a glyph to browse other inscriptions in which it also appears.
α β γ δ ε Digamma ζ α η Heta θ ι κ λ μ ν ξ ο π M Koppa ρ σ τ υ φ χ ψ ω Sampi punct.


[- - -]ιος hαλεαι μ' ανε[θε̅κε - - -
- - -] α̣ϝεθλ̣[ον] κ̣α̣ι̣ τἐ̣π̣ι̣ο̣ν̣τ̣α̣ λ̣[αβεν?].


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